What to do with old hoses?

or “One man’s trash is another man’s material.”

The topic of sustainability is rightly a big topic. We should ensure that we use the existing goods/raw materials sensibly. One possibility is recycling, i.e. reprocessing discarded recyclables into a new product. Another great option is upcycling, i.e. upgrading waste.

We would like to introduce you to some companies that upcycle old bicycle tubes. Please contact these companies before throwing away your old hoses. Of course, it makes sense to collect a few tubes (from family, neighborhood, circle of friends, in the workshop) and then send a larger package.

Any tube (not tires, blankets, jackets or whatever you say) can be used. The only important thing is that the hoses should be untreated. Because hoses that have previously been treated with puncture spray cannot be processed. It's always nice when a little more is collected to make the shipment worthwhile.

We have selected three companies that would be happy to send you tubes to make bags and much more. Look in here:

Dagmar Kinter
Watstr. 31
14770 Brandenburg an der Havel
Tel.: (0049) 33813288535
Email: taschen@tjuub.de